I Love You Honey Bunny (CZ) | Chmury

I Love You Honey Bunny (CZ) | Chmury

4 września 2024, Środa


11 listopada 22, Warszawa

Start: godz. 20:00

Podziel się:

WARSZAVA – 4. 9. 2024 – Chmury
I Love You Honey Bunny is an indie-pop-rock band from Prague. Some people fancy their live sound and cheeky stage presence, others enjoy their approach to songwriting, which often reflects contemporary social and political issues. If you’re drawn to striking melodies and high energy, I Love You Honey Bunny is the perfect choice for you. Their highly-anticipated second album, ‘We Just Had a Wonderful Time,’ was released in April 2023. This album is a deep dive into the mind and its inner workings. It focuses on how society has finally seen the dangers of mental illness and makes large strides in the advancement of awareness, yet we still have a long and tough journey ahead of ourselves.
/ fb: www.facebook.com/ILoveYouHoneyBunny
/ insta: www.instagram.com/iloveyouhoneybunnyband
/ yt: youtu.be/eonnD1Q8SW0

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