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Topowy artysta światowej elektroniki i techno, Sam Paganini, przyjeżdża do Wrocławia, by uczcić 10-lecie wydanie swojego największego hitu, hymnu “RAVE”. Hipnotyczne melodie, ciężkie bębny i lokalne supporty wliczone 😉.
Wydarzenie w klubie Transformator przy ulicy Tęczowej 57 będzie częścią światowej trasy artysty.
Sam Paganini
& more soon
Light show by Lumen Art 🌃
GDZIE/WHERE: Transformator club, Wrocław, Tęczowa 57 G
Door: 23:00
End: 7:00
Not many artists are lucky enough to release a track that defies genre classification and reaches into mainstream culture, with people enthusiastically embracing its melody and adopting it as if it were a football anthem.
Taken from the critically acclaimed LP “Satellite” (out on Drumcode in September 2014), “Rave” has become an instant classic, a timeless piece of music that stayed on the N°1 Beatport Techno spot for more than two months, and for more than a year and a half in its overall chart, gaining more than eight million clicks on Youtube (becoming the most clicked Techno track ever). Since 1996, a landmark year for him thanks to the worldwide success of his track “Zoe” produced as Paganini Traxx, Sam Paganini’s stylistic experimentations have gone from strength to strength, leading him to collaborate and release his music on several record labels until Techno pioneer Richie Hawtin welcomed him to his Plus8 imprint in 2011 with the “Cobra” EP. With the subsequent releases of the “Body To Body” EP on Cocoon Recordings and the “Prisma”, “Eros” and “Black Leather” EPs on Drumcode, all reaching the highest spots on Beatport’s Techno Chart, his unique musical journey has achieved great success both on the underground circuit as well as on the mainstream channels. The track “Polyester” (with “Fire In My Arms” one of the smashing hits from the “Body To Body” EP) was featured both on the playlists of many underground DJs and on those of some of biggest names in the industry like Moby, becoming Beatport’s “Techno Track Of 2013”. To this day, Sam proudly stands out as the only Italian artist to release under his own name on Plus8, Cocoon and Drumcode. Beside his studio work and production time, Sam’s DJ appearances are among the most requested by promoters worldwide: his sets are characterized by powerful grooves and have been described as “Sexy Groovy Dark Techno”, which speaks volumes, literally, on what to expect from his performances.
He has taken the stage at legendary clubs such as Berghain (Berlin), Output and Cielo (New York), Rex (Paris), Crobar (Buenos Aires), Exchange (Los Angeles), Fuse (Bruxelles), Stereo (Montreal), Club4 (Barcelona), Amnesia (Ibiza), Privilege (Ibiza) and Cocoricò (Riccione) just to name a few, and at Festivals like Awakenings (Netherlands), Nature One (Germany), Mayday (Germany), Tomorrowland (Belgium), Sziget (Hungary), Sonus (Pag Island), Time Warp (Germany), KAPPA Future Festival (Italy) and Love Family Park (Germany).
Найкращий у світі виконавець електроніки та техно Сем Паганіні приїжджає до Вроцлава, щоб відсвяткувати 10-річчя виходу свого найбільшого хіта, гімну «RAVE». Гіпнотичні мелодії, важкі барабани та місцева підтримка включені. Захід у клубі Transformator на Tęczowa 57 стане частиною світового туру артиста. Квитки у продажу!