K-POP PARTY | Valentine’s Day Edition | WROCŁAW

15 lutego 2025, Sobota

Klub Muzyczny Liverpool

Świdnicka 37, Wrocław

Start: godz. 21:00

Podziel się:

🗓️ 14.02.2025 21pm ~ 4am
📍 Place: RIN music club
Szewska 14, 31-009 Kraków

🎁 Idol photo card
🎁 Cheoncheonhi merchandise
🎁 LaLa Seul Vouchers
🎁 The bap Vouchers
🎁 K-bridge vouchers


🎁 First come 50will get an Idol meme card
💃 Random Play Dance will be at 1am
📸 Photo contest: Take a picture in front of our photo wall, best photo will be awarded awesome gifts
Lovely idol pin will be given to everyone who will be participated in our photo contest
🎁Prize: With first 100 wristbands you will receive a number, at 2:30am there will be a prize draw!

Event 16+!
Minors (at the age of 16 and 17 years old) are asked to bring the parental consent.

K-POP PARTY | Valentine’s Day Edition | WROCŁAW | 15 lutego 2025, Sobota, Klub Muzyczny Liverpool

32 PLN
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